Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Project Hosiery: Hue Backseam

The next installment of Project Hosiery is of a brand that's already been covered in the French Lace line, Hue. The product in this post is Hue Backseams.

Jana channels her inner ballroom dancer in Hue Backseams (raw photo)


According to Hue and other makers of backseam hosiery, the seam both lengthens and narrows the appearance of the leg. They're also a bold statement and make an outfit look more formal, especially in the off-black color modeled by Jana.

Making a statement

Though she couldn't see herself wearing this product for everyday events, the model was a fan of them. Comfort and appearance both scored high, as did support since this particular product has a control top.

Durability was average, although Jana did say they seemed a little fragile. Overall, she liked this product and could see herself wearing it for a dance competition or for a Halloween costume, but as said before they were a bit too bold for everyday wear.

For more information about Hue Backseamed hosiery, check out their page:

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